Join / Donate / Volunteer

Help the Toroa Restoration

Join / Donate / Volunteer

Join the crew – new members are always welcome.

See below for subscription rates.
The Society’s financial year runs 1st September to 31st August. Members are kept up to date on progress by means of our newsletter Toroa Tales and posts on this website, and by our Facebook page Steam Ferry Toroa.

Donations towards the restoration are also welcome, with your subscription payment or at any other time.

The Toroa Preservation Society Inc. is a Registered Charity – a receipt will be issued for donations over $5, which may be used for NZ tax rebate purposes.

Subscriptions and donations can be deposited directly into our ASB account by internet banking:
Toroa Preservation Society Inc.    12-3026-0763595-00

To help with our accounts, please make separate deposits for subs and donations and reference each with your name and ‘Subs’ and or ‘Donation’ on your bank deposit entry and send your contact details via the Join / Donate / Volunteer form below.

Regular Donations:

If you would like to make a regular weekly or monthly or annual donations please arrange an automatic payment with your bank and fill in the box below

Please also contact us if you wish to offer sponsorship or in-kind support to the restoration of Auckland’s last steam ferry.


Whatever your skills, your contribution of time and effort to the Toroa restoration will be worthwhile and appreciated. Please fill in the form below and let us know what you would like to work on to further the restoration.

Steam Ferry Toroa: Join / Donate / Volunteer
Form for joining the TPS, donating to the restoration project, volunteering to assist
Tick membership category. The Society’s financial year runs 1st September to 31st August – subs paid after 1st July each year are carried through to the subsequent year. Members are kept up to date on progress by means of our newsletter TOROA TALES and this website.
Please specify amount of donation towards the Toroa restoration. Please deposit subscriptions and donations directly into our ASB account: 12 3026 0763595-00 Toroa Preservation Society Inc.
I would like to make a regular weekly/ monthly/ annual donation of $________________________ and will set this up as an automatic payment
Please contact the TPS if you can sponsor the restoration or provide material assistance
Please tell us how you wish to assist the restoration project