1928 Fast passage from Devonport

1928 17 October
Quick ferry passage

A report in NEWS OF THE DAY in the Auckland Star, 17th October, 1928:

A remarkably quick passage was made this morning by the ferry steamer Toroa.  Leaving Devonport wharf at 8.35 sharp, she was alongside Queen’s Wharf ten minutes later, berthing at 8.47.  The conditions were all in favour of safe and speedy steaming, the harbour being as calm as a millpond, with the tide coming in.  Nevertheless, it was a good trip, a tribute to the Toroa’s engines [sic], and yet another testimony to the comfort and safety of the ferry services. Good weather or bad, the steamers are seldom more than a minute or two out of their scheduled time.”

More information can be found on the National Library of New Zealand website, paperspast.natlib.govt.nz